Disability Services & Accommodations
- Special needs counseling and support services are available to qualified students with disabilities who may need testing accommodations, assistive technology, specialized equipment, accessible textbooks, or referral services.
- Currently students are being served who have documented disabilities such as, but not limited to,
- learning disabilities, ADHD, psychological disabilities, physical disabilities (including: visual, hearing, mobility impairments, and chronic health disorders)
- OFTC offers these services and appropriate accommodations to assist students who apply for admission, qualify for our programs, and provide necessary documentation to declare a disability. To obtain necessary documentation of a disability, students may request that the Vocational Rehabilitation Program of the GA Dept. of Labor help with vocational evaluations. It can be explored at https://gvs.georgia.gov/ or by emailing rehab@dol.state.ga.us
- Based on a student’s documentation and disability, such accommodations as (but not limited to) the following may be recommended:
- Alternative formats for textbooks
- Voice dictation software
- Extended time for tests
- Oral administration of tests
- Note takers for class lectures
- Enlarged print handouts and tests
- Magnifiers
- Use of recorders for class lectures
- FM hearing assistance equipment for labs and lectures