Basic Entry Level Workforce Credit Programs
OFTC offers a number of Basic Entry Level Workforce technical certificates of credit to get you to work fast.
The need for entry-level workers in almost every industry has never been greater. Employers are struggling to find qualified candidates needed for their position openings. If you are interested in entry-level, short-term training that does not require a high school diploma or GED, OFTC offers a number of basic entry level workforce certificates that are great career options.

Basic Entry Level Workforce Certificates
To view the requirements and course list for each program, click the hyperlink of the program of study below.
- Administrative Support Assistant
- Advanced Shielded Metal Arc Welder
- Air Conditioning Electrical Technician
- Air Conditioning Technician Assistant
- Auto Electrical/Electronic Systems Technician
- Automotive Chassis Technical Specialist
- Automotive Climate Control Technician
- Automotive Engine Performance Technician
- Automotive Engine Repair Technician
- Automotive Transmission/Transaxle Tech Specialist
- Basic Electronic Assembler
- Basic Machining Operator
- Basic Machinist
- Basic Shielded Metal Arc Welder
- Child Development Specialist
- CNC Specialist
- Commercial Truck Driving – Class A
- CompTIA A+ Certified Preparation
- CompTIA A+ Certified Technician Preparation
- Diesel Electrical/Electronic Systems Technician
- Diesel Engine Service Technician
- Diesel Truck Maintenance Technician
- Early Childhood Care and Education Basics
- Gas Metal Arc Welder
- Gas Tungsten Arc Welder
- Heating and Air Conditioning Installation Technician
- Help Desk Specialist
- Industrial Electrician
- Industrial Motor Control Technician
- Lathe Operator
- Mechatronics Specialist
- Microsoft Word Application Specialist
- Mill Operator
- Nurse Aide Accelerated
- Nurse Aide
- Nursery/Greenhouse Technician
- Office Accounting Specialist
- Payroll Accounting Specialist
- Programmable Control Technician
- Robotic Technician
- Salon and Spa Support Specialist
- Small Business Management Specialist
- Supervisor/Management Specialist
- Tax Preparation Specialist
Education creates more career opportunities!
Don’t delay your career success. Request more information about OFTC or apply online today:
Need a little help?
OFTC Admissions Officers are available to help you with registration:
Additional information on Admissions is available in the online OFTC Catalog.
Oconee Fall Line Technical College is accredited by the Commission of the Council on Occupational Education. Oconee Fall Line Technical College does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color, national origin, religion, age or disability in admissions, in employment, or in access to its educational programs and/or activities.