Student Organizations

Students are encouraged throughout their course of study at Oconee Fall Line Technical College to participate in student activities and student organizations.  It is our belief that students who participate in organizations, activities, and programs outside of the classroom learn by doing and build essential leadership and life skills in the process.

Student Government Association

The Student Government is an organization made up of representatives from all occupational programs at Oconee Fall Line Technical College. The students enrolled in the program elect one representative and one alternate from each program area. Student Government meets monthly. For more information, please contact:

Lakina Hall
Special POPS Coordinator
North Campus, Office #101
Office: (478)-240-5162

Tiffney Stanley
Special POPS Coordinator
South Campus, LLH, Office #121K
Office: (478)-274-7836


(Greater Expectation Needed to Empower Support to Individual Success)

GENESIS is a mentoring program that helps motivate, empower, and encourage young men through mentoring. GENESIS challenges black males to be positive decision makers, role models, and effective leaders within their community. Ultimately, the brothers of Genesis will become responsible and productive citizens.

GENESIS was formed to increase the achievement levels by combining like-minded men at Oconee Fall Line Technical College, which aims to disrupt the social stigma of young black men by bettering their academics. The program will reach out and make a difference in the community and the lives of its youth. GENESIS uses a variety of resources and platforms that will make a positive impact in their lives physically, mentally, and spiritually. For more information, contact Tremayne Smith.

Helping Young People Excel – HYPE

Oconee Fall Line Technical College (OFTC) HYPE program helps YOU, the student, build confidence to meet the new expectations and challenges of coming to college. HYPE is designed specifically to develop social opportunities that provide support and attention from OFTC faculty, staff, and students.

Our mission is to provide students with the support and skills needed to be successful in college and complete a degree by offering comprehensive support services, resources, and student programs and activities. Services Offered:

  • Identification of goals and determining personal strengths
  • Regular communications and invitations to attend free campus events and workshops
  • Referrals to appropriate resources
  • Comprehensive support while attending OFTC

For more information, contact Shonda Williams-Reaves.

Georgia Occupational Award of Leadership (GOAL)

First launched in 1971, GOAL focuses on student excellence in technical education by focusing on academic excellence and personal achievement. A panel of judges selects one student, the state GOAL Winner, to serve as an ambassador of technical education in Georgia.

Goal Winners represent the “new image” of Georgia’s technical colleges.  Students must recognize technical education’s critical impact on Georgia’s overall economic health:  have strong work ethics, a dedicated sense of loyalty, and a healthy enthusiasm for promoting technical education in Georgia.  For more information, contact:

Lakina Hall
Special POPS Coordinator
North Campus, Office #101
Office: (478)-240-5162

National Technical Honor Society

The National Technical Honor Society (NTHS) is an honor organization for outstanding students enrolled in occupational, vocational, or technical programs. For more information, contact club advisors (North) Stan Lawson or (South) Kim Meeks.

Peer Mentor Program

The goal of OFTC’s Peer Mentor Program is to give students an enhanced college experience and provide academic and social support. Peer Mentors will help students in their transition to the college environment and navigate their programs of study. The program identifies student needs, provides referrals to available support services, and facilitates mentor-mentee relationships through regular communication. For more information or to apply, review the program description.


Rotaract is a Rotary-sponsored service club for young men and women that is sponsored by a local Rotary club making them true “partners in service” and key members of the Rotary family. For more information, please contact:

Tiffney Stanley
Special POPS Coordinator
South Campus, LLH, Office #121K
Office: (478)-274-7836

Skills USA

Skills USA emphasizes leadership, dignity, workmanship, citizenship, and respect for others. Local Skills USA winners compete in regional, state, and national competitions. For more information, contact your local advisor:

Saketta Brown
Director of Student Affairs
Office: (478) 274-7643

Lakina Hall
Special POPS Coordinator
North Campus, Office #101
Office: (478)-240-5162

Tiffney Stanley
Special POPS Coordinator
South Campus, LLH, Office #121K
Office: (478)-274-7836

Veterans Connections Group

The OFTC Veterans Connections Group meets on a regular basis to help Veterans acclimate to college life, provide information regarding services available to them on and off campus, provide a support group, and promote awareness of Veteran students to the campus community. Meeting dates and locations each semester are emailed to students. All OFTC students and employees who are Veterans are encouraged to attend. For more information, contact:

Tiffney Stanley
Special POPS Coordinator
South Campus, LLH, Office #121K
Office: (478)-274-7836