Policies & Procedures
- Grades/GPA Information
- Withdrawal Procedure
- Enrollment Verifications
- FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act)
- Information Change
- Transient Request
Grades/GPA Information
Final grades for the semester may be viewed on BannerWeb 3-5 working days after the term ends.
- Click Student Services and Financial Aid
- Click Student Records
- Click Final Grades to view grades
- Select appropriate term
- Click Submit
- Log out of Banner Web when completed
Withdrawal Procedure
Official Withdrawals
A student may withdraw from a course though the published 80% point (withdrawal deadline) of the semester. To withdraw from a course, the student must complete the electronic withdrawal form by accessing the OFTC website and clicking “Withdrawal Form” under the Admissions Tab. Students will receive a grade of “W” if the withdrawal date is on or before midterm. For any withdrawal received during the “no show” period, the student will be considered a “no show” for the applicable class (es) if the student has not completed any academic related activities. Students who officially withdraw from a course after the drop/add period and “no show” period will receive a grade of “W” through the 80% (withdrawal deadline) point of the term and will not receive any refund of course tuition/fees.
Withdrawals from a class (or classes) may have a negative effect on academic standing, satisfactory academic progress (SAP), financial aid, program progression, and the student’s account balance. Students are always advised to speak with a financial aid representative prior to submitting a withdrawal.
It is the student’s responsibility to officially withdraw from a course; instructors will not initiate a withdrawal. Student withdrawals will not be processed after the published 80% withdrawal deadline. If a student does not officially withdraw from a course(s), the student remains on the roster and receives the grade earned. All assignments not submitted will receive a grade of “0”. Failing grades negatively impact a student’s completion rate/GPA and may affect a student’s ability to receive financial aid in future terms.
In certain instances, the Registrar may act on behalf of a student to withdraw the student from classes. This may include various situations such as active duty or suspension. Depending on the circumstances, documentation (e.g., military orders or other supporting documentation) may be required to accompany a withdrawal in these instances.
Dual Enrollment
Dual-enrollment students need to contact their high school counselor in order to withdraw from a course. The high school counselor will be expected to contact an Oconee Fall Line Technical College Dual Enrollment High School Coordinator to inform them of the student’s intent to withdraw. It is the student’s responsibility to submit the electronic withdrawal request. In some instances, it may be necessary for the student to be administratively withdrawn.
Unofficial Withdrawals
A student who earns all Fs in a given term or a combination of Fs and Ws (meaning the student withdrew from a class) may be considered an ‘unofficial withdrawal’. Unofficial withdrawals are those who cease participating in class(es). Faculty must enter a last date of attendance for students who earn a grade of ‘F’ for the class, and provide documentation supporting the date reported. Once grades are submitted and faculty rosters are verified at the end of a term, unofficial withdrawals (those who earned the F due to ceasing participation) may be required to return funds to Oconee Fall Line Technical College and/or the U.S. Department of Education. Students who truly earned Fs that were not due to ceasing attendance are not considered to have withdrawn; therefore, those students’ aid is not recalculated for the class(es) in question. All students who unofficially withdraw before the midpoint of the term will be assigned an unofficial withdrawal date identified as the midpoint (50%) of the term.
The institutional refund policy and federal aid refund policy (Return to Title IV) can be found in Financial Aid. We encourage you to be aware of these policies and how you are affected by them should you withdraw or otherwise cease participation before a term concludes—officially or unofficially.
Hardship Withdrawals
Students may request a Hardship Withdrawal when a unavoidable situation occurs that will prevent them from completing their course work for the semester.
Some examples of a Hardship Withdrawal include:
- A medical emergency that requires a hospital stay or prolonged rehab.
- An injury or illness of the student
- Illness or Death of an immediate family member (parent, sibling, spouse, child, in-laws, or grandparents).
- Fire or other personal disaster.
- Mandated jury duty for more than 3 days
- Incarceration of 3-10 days
- Students may believe they are eligible for a hardship withdrawal; however, all situations do not warrant a hardship withdrawal. Some examples that do not constitute a hardship withdrawal include, but are not limited to a lack of knowledge of the withdrawal deadline, transportation issues, or the possibility that a student may fail the course.
Hardship Withdrawals are indicated on the student’s record as a “W”.
A student must request a hardship withdrawal before the last day of classes for the current semester.
Students are not eligible for a Hardship Withdrawal in courses where they have completed all course requirements. (e.g., completed the final exam or submitted the final project/paper/portfolio.)
The Registrar’s Office will receive and review requests submitted by students. Decisions are communicated to students via their OFTC email. The Financial Aid Office, the Business Office, and the instructor of the course will be notified as well. If the request is not approved, the student will receive the grade earned in the course.
If the student is physically/mentally incapable of completing the Hardship Withdrawal process, the student’s parent, guardian, or next of kin may act on behalf of the student provided they provide proof from a licensed physician.
Please note, a Hardship Withdrawal will still affect a student’s Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP), which may impact a student’s financial aid eligibility.
Enrollment Verifications
Oconee Fall Line Technical College has authorized the National Student Clearinghouse to act as its agent for all verification requests from third parties.
Enrollment Verifications may be printed by accessing the Enrollment Verifications link on National Student Clearinghouse. Enrollment verifications will not be available until approximately the third week of the semester.
All insurers, lenders, employers or other agencies may request enrollment verification information by contacting the National Student Clearinghouse – www.studentclearinghouse.org or www.degreeverify.com.
Oconee Fall Line Technical College annually informs students about the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974. The College fully complies with FERPA which was designed to protect the privacy of education records, establish the right of students to inspect and review their education records, and provide guidelines for the correction of inaccurate or misleading data through information and formal hearings. Students also have the right to file complaints with FERPA concerning alleged failures by the College to comply with the Act.
- The Solomon Amendment requires the college to release recruitment information to military recruiters. If a student or minor does not wish to have student recruitment information released to third parties, an OFTC Non-Disclosure Form must be filed with the Registrar’s Office.
Questions concerning this law and the College’s procedures regarding release of academic information may be directed to the Registrar’s Office at (478) 240-5161 – North Campus and (478)274-7761 – South Campus.
- Consent to Disclose Student Records
- Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
- Request to Review Student Records
- Appointment Consent Form
Information Change
If you have a change of information or name, please complete the Information Change Request and send to Registrar@oftc.edu or fax to 1-800-473-3021.
Transient Request
If an Oconee Fall Line Technical College student wishes to attend another technical college as a transient student to take online courses, the student must apply through Georgia Virtual Technical College (GVTC) and pay the application fee for the host school. Students should follow the instructions on the website to complete the application and view a list of courses offered at other technical colleges. Students should select “Transient” as the student type. Oconee Fall Line Technical College will be the home school and the school the student will attend will be the host school.
Students who wish to attend another technical college or university as a transient student but will not be taking online courses, must complete a Transient Request.
To qualify for transient status, students must meet the following:
- Be in good standing and have at least a 2.0 GPA
- Be a currently enrolled student
- Be a part time student
- Have completed all required prerequisite courses
- The class not be offered online at OFTC for the transient term