Graduation Requirements
In order to graduate, students must meet all course and credit hour requirements as prescribed in the state standards for the program in which they are enrolled.
To receive a degree, diploma, or certificate from a program of instruction, the student must have a Graduation Grade Point Average of at least 2.0 on a 4.0 scale. The Graduation Grade Point Average is calculated only on those courses required for graduation. Students must make a “C” or higher in all required coursework. When a course is taken more than once, the highest grade will be used in calculating the grade point average for graduation.
Students will not receive an award until all financial accounts are clear. OFTC identifies expected program outcomes and college-level general education competencies and assesses the extent to which graduates achieve these outcomes. Should a student receive advanced standing through transfer credit or exemption examination, the student must still complete at least twenty-five percent of the credit hours of the required curriculum for graduation in residence at Oconee Fall Line Technical College. Students in certain allied health programs which require licensure or certification examinations must complete at least fifty percent of the credit hours of the required curriculum for graduation in residence at Oconee Fall Line Technical College.
To ensure that all the requirements for graduation have been met, students must check with their advisor at the beginning of their last term and together complete a Graduation Application by the posted deadline of their final term. It is the student’s responsibility to begin the process to be reviewed for their associate degree, diploma, or certificate in order to participate in the commencement exercises or to receive an award. Students who do not have an application completed for graduation by the deadline cannot participate in the commencement exercises.
There is a non-refundable $40.00 fee for students participating in commencement. This fee helps defray the cost of the credential, award cover, and cap/gown ensemble. A $25.00 fee is charged for each replacement award.
Graduation Ceremonies
The graduation ceremony is held twice a year in fall and spring. Degree, diploma and certificate students are eligible to participate.