How to Support OFTC

With your help, The OFTC Foundation, Inc. provides scholarships, program equipment, adult literacy grants, and lending library support. Your gift goes directly to support these projects or can be designated towards the project of your choice. Help us grow the college and enhance the community with your gift.

Give Now

You can make a convenient and secure online gift to The OFTC Foundation.

Gifts to the foundation can include:

  • Outright gifts or cash over time (pledges)
  • Equities
  • Securities
  • Real estate
  • Life insurance
  • Corporate contributions
  • Planned gifts (bequests or trusts)
  • Tangible personal property

Cash donations may be:

  • Restricted – Limited by the donor to be spent only for specific purposes or programs
  • Unrestricted – Your unrestricted/undesignated donation will be used in the areas of greatest need.
  • Endowment – Minimum of $25,000 donation/contribution to establish an endowment with the Foundation

Gifts of $250 or more with no benefit received by the donor must be acknowledged in writing. The donor is responsible for determining the fair market value of gifts of goods or services. A third party estimate is required for gifts of $5,000 or more.

If you prefer, please contact the Executive Director of the Foundation to discuss other types of giving opportunities. We thank you!

Kathy Aaron
Executive Director of Institutional Advancement
Phone: 478-553-2148