Students Earn Gold and Bronze at State SkillsUSA Competition
The Oconee Fall Line Technical College (OFTC) SkillsUSA team won a gold medal and two bronze medals at the SkillsUSA Georgia State Leadership & Skills Conference in Atlanta, March 9-11.
Jason Garner won a Gold medal in CNC 2-axis programming at this conference and will compete at the National Conference in June.
Jonathan Roberson won a Bronze medal in HVAC; and Antonio Bell, Ashlyn Goodwin, Britny Sterling, and Kaitlyn Goodson won a Bronze medal in Quiz Bowl.
The Skills USA conferences host competitions in all skilled trades, industries, allied health, business services, culinary, and cosmetology. Each contest requires the students to submit a resume and go through an onsite interview.
The Skills USA conferences are a gateway to connect our students with employers from around the country. The students who compete are often offered jobs on the spot by the industry partners during the conference; if not, they will receive a phone call the following week with a job offer.
Picture 1 – Jason Garner (Laurens County)- Sitting at the CNC 2-axis programming contest table
Picture 2 – Jonathan Roberson (Laurens County)- At one of the HVAC contest stations
Picture 3 – Jason Garner – Gold Medal Winner
Picture 4 – Jonathan Roberson – Bronze Medal Winner
Picture 5 – Antonio Bell (Laurens county), Ashlyn Goodwin (Toombs County), Britny Sterling (Johnson County), Kaitlyn Goodson (Wilkinson County) – Bronze Medal Winners
Picture 6 – Brent Redfern with Matthew Brooks (Baldwin County)- Diesel Contestant
Picture 7 – Jason Garner – Gold Medal Winner
Picture 8 – Jonathan Roberson – Bronze Medal Winner
Picture 9 – Antonio Bell (Laurens county), Ashlyn Goodwin (Toombs County), Britny Sterling (Johnson County), Kaitlyn Goodson (Wilkinson County) – Bronze Medal Winners