OFTC Medical Assisting Grads Garner 100% Pass Rate on Certified Medical Assistant Exam
After graduating from Oconee Fall Line Technical College’s (OFTC) Medical Assisting program in June, Kena Simmons (Mount Vernon), Kathy Attaway (Wrightsville), and Brittany Raffield (Cochran) each received a passing score on the American Association of Medical Assistants Certified Medical Assisting Certification Exam, garnering a 100% pass-rate for the college.
“We are so proud of these ladies and this accomplishment,” shared Brenda Gurr, OFTC Medical Assisting instructor. “They all managed to go to school, take care of their families and overcome enormous obstacles to complete the program and pass the certification exam. We know they will do great things and help many people in their new roles as Certified Medical Assistants.”
Medical Assisting
A student can complete OFTC’s Medical Assisting program in 2-5 semesters depending on their career objective and graduates can work in a variety of areas due to the marketability of their skills.
Medical assistants help other healthcare professionals in both clinical or administrative settings; this may include performing minor procedures like drawing blood or completing office tasks like calling patients and scheduling appointments, and can range from pediatric, adolescent, to geriatric patients.
While students are enrolled in OFTC’s program, they’ll take classes that teach a variety of skills and increase knowledge in the areas of bookkeeping, scheduling, how to communicate with patients and insurance companies, billing, updating patient records, welcoming and discharging patients, taking vital signs, assisting with exams, giving injections, performing various laboratory tests, explaining treatments to patients, and more.
To learn more about OFTC’s Medical Assisting program or the other 130+ programs of study available, visit the OFTC website, OFTC.edu.